Cleaning and Nesting - Getting Ready for Spring!

Nesting and Spring Cleaning

As we approach Spring, I don’t know about you, but I have been feeling the urge to do some nesting. Nesting is often thought to happen during a pregnancy (especially as you approach your due date) when you feel a strong desire to clean and organize your home. I can assure you, I am far beyond my pregnancy years and I still get the urge to nest at least a couple of times a year. For me it happens most often in the Spring and Fall seasons.

If you’ve got the nesting bug, here are 10 ways to get started.

  1. Set a timer

    Organizing your space(s) can be overwhelming depending on the current state of affairs. Start small and set a timer. 20 minutes is ideal to get started. If you are inspired to do more – that’s great, just remember to start small, get inspired, carry on.

  2. Focus on one thing a day

    I’d also suggest you start small. A junk drawer for instance. We all know we have too many things in there, but it’s a small space and can go fairly quickly. Empty the contents of the drawer and put items into categories (i.e. pens, tape, paperclips, batteries, etc.).

  3. Get some help

    I can’t say enough about how helpful this is – if you go in organized. I recently hired two young men and two young women to help me clean out and organize my basement in my Cape Cod home. I wrote a list out of everything I wanted them to do and it made things go so quickly and efficiently I was over the moon thrilled. They started at 10am and left at 2:30pm and I was amazed at what got don

  4. Take everything out of the drawer, cabinet, etc. 

    Here’s a tip I learned the longer and harder way. No matter what you’re organizing you need to empty the entire contents of the space be it a drawer, closet, cabinet, etc. I’d say room as well in an ideal world, but that’s not always possible. Remove everything, categorize items, and clean the space before anything gets put back in. You’ll thank me for this later!

  5. Be ruthless

    I know it’s not easy to let things go. This is why I advise my clients to go through sentimental items last. Sentimental items are difficult to move through quickly so save the best for last!  There are songs written to help encourage us to “let it go!” You need to be ruthless and that’s why having someone to help you is a Godsend. The two young women I hired gave me their brutally honest opinion about many things and I am grateful they did. It’s difficult to see that there’s no possible “need” for certain items. Think about your current lifestyle. That’s a wake up call. I no longer am making nightly meals for three young children so I don’t need any of the small appliances and gadgets I once did. 

  6. Eliminate duplicates, broken items, or things you no longer need or use

    An easy way to get started getting rid of things is to access how many of a particular item you have, acknowledging broken or damaged items, as well as the products you no longer have a need for. 

  7. Clean before you put things back in

    After you empty a space, clean it out really well. Don’t put a think back into that space until it’s cleaned. It makes a huge difference and it will be so nice to visit that space later and know it was cleaned.

  8. Throw away, give away or donate

    Trash broken and damaged items. No one wants them. Give away other things to friends and family members. I plan on doing this soon to eliminate even more of the items I have and no longer need, but could still be used and enjoyed by someone else. I’ll host an open house drop in on some weekend day coming up to ask people to come and take what they’d like. I’ve been toying with the idea of selling my Cape Cod home and I’m thinking I may host a Cash and Carry event and post to Facebook Marketplace to alert people. I can then donate whatever remains. 

  9. Take your time when filling the space again

    It’s a great feeling as you put things back in their place to see empty space. Avoid the urge to fill it up with more things. Less really is more. I’ve donated garbage bags full of clothes recently. My new promise to myself is that if anything comes in – at least one item has to go. Period. My goal is not to have less room in my already tight storage situation in my Boston condo. I’m thinking I’d like to spend my resources on things I’ve missed – travel, entertainment and making great memories. Not on things.

  10. Edit again

    Continue to weed things out. Although editing usually refers to preparing written materials to be printed by correcting, condensing or modifying words – in our case it means condensing (eliminating) what we have. If something comes in – at least one thing must leave. I’m striving for two items that need to go! Not easy, but I’ve got to do it.

    I promise you, if you’ve got that nesting feeling – these tips will help you get on your way to a more organized and clean space with items you truly need and love. You’ll thank me later, should you move forward with this project. Even if you aren’t doing a major overhaul to your home interior, letting go of things is freeing! 


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